Every GATER is well trained and prepared.
Training begins with basic backcountry navigation and survival. Once comfortable in the wilderness, volunteers are able to select advanced training in areas like winter and swift water rescue. Further training is offered in flood and fire rescue.

Wilderness Mobility
Rapid wilderness mobility is critical to successful search and rescue operations. GATERS learn to move quickly where there are no roads.
Basic Wilderness Training
Every GATER needs to be comfortable in the wilderness: navigation, survival, cooking, backpacking, and gear maintenance are essentials.

Wilderness First Aid
Once comfortable in the wild, GATERS receive their first aid training and certification. This training is provided by an expert community partner.

Advanced Outdoor Training
GATERS learn wilderness, water, and winter rescue in their advanced training. Successful volunteers are selected for disaster training like flood and fire rescue.
Trainings for GATERS
Below is a list of training programs each GATER is offered, in order, to become better prepared for search and rescue, emergency response, and disaster relief.

Wilderness Mobility
Wilderness Skills
Wilderness navigation and orienteering
Backpacking and distance hiking 101
Backcountry camping
Wilderness survival
Wilderness Medicine
Introduction to paddling and portaging
River paddling and white water intro
Mountain biking and bike-packing in the wilderness
Climbing basics and vertical ascent
Wilderness First Aid
Wilderness First Responder
Light Search and Rescue
Advanced Training
Advanced Search and Rescue
Swift water rescue 1 and 2
Low/Steep angle rescue
Winter rescue (including falling through ice)
Disaster Response and Assistance (CERT)
Fire response and safety
Trauma and disaster operations
Disaster operations with medical

Explore our team's dedication to rescue and conservation efforts.